Cyber1Defense Communication Ltd > Cyber Security Programs > Ethical Hacking – Beginner to Advanced

Ethical Hacking – Beginner to Advanced

The Ethical Hacking course is designed for individuals who want to develop the skills and knowledge required to identify and address vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks. This comprehensive program covers the fundamentals of ethical hacking, gradually progressing to advanced techniques used by professional penetration testers. Students will learn about different attack vectors, methodologies, and countermeasures, enabling them to perform ethical hacking assessments and strengthen the security of organizations. Through hands-on labs, practical exercises, and real-world scenarios, students will acquire the necessary skills to conduct thorough security assessments and mitigate potential risks.


Instructor-led Course | On-Campus Course | Online

Monday, Wednesday : 2.5hrs (To Schedule)

Online/ Physical meetup

3 Months


2000 GHS

Course Details

  • Module 1: Introduction to Ethical Hacking
    • Overview of ethical hacking and its importance
    • Legal and ethical considerations
    • Differentiating between ethical hacking and malicious hacking
    • The hacker mindset and characteristics of an ethical hacker
    • Overview of hacking methodologies and frameworks

    Module 2: Information Gathering and Footprinting

    • Passive and active information gathering techniques
    • Open-source intelligence (OSINT) tools and resources
    • Network scanning and enumeration
    • Social engineering techniques and reconnaissance
    • Target profiling and gathering information

    Module 3: Scanning and Enumeration

    • Port scanning and service enumeration
    • Vulnerability scanning and assessment
    • Banner grabbing and fingerprinting
    • Operating system and application fingerprinting
    • Identifying potential attack vectors

    Module 4: System Hacking

    • Exploiting system vulnerabilities and weaknesses
    • Password cracking and privilege escalation
    • Rootkits and malware injection techniques
    • Remote administration and backdoors
    • Maintaining access and covering tracks

    Module 5: Web Application Hacking

    • Web application security concepts and vulnerabilities
    • Injection attacks (SQL, XSS, OS command)
    • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
    • Session hijacking and cookie manipulation
    • Web application scanning and exploitation tools

    Module 6: Network Hacking

    • Wireless network security and vulnerabilities
    • WLAN encryption cracking (WEP, WPA/WPA2)
    • Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attacks
    • ARP spoofing and DNS poisoning
    • Network sniffing and packet analysis

    Module 7: Cryptography and Steganography

    • Cryptographic concepts and encryption algorithms
    • Cryptanalysis and breaking cryptographic schemes
    • Steganography techniques and tools
    • Digital watermarking and covert channels
    • Cryptography in practice and secure communication

    Module 8: Social Engineering

    • Social engineering concepts and techniques
    • Phishing and spear phishing attacks
    • Pretexting and impersonation
    • Physical security bypass and tailgating
    • Mitigating social engineering attacks

    Module 9: Wireless and Mobile Device Hacking

    • Wireless network vulnerabilities and attacks
    • Mobile device security and exploitation
    • Android and iOS hacking techniques
    • Bluetooth and RFID attacks
    • Protecting wireless and mobile devices

    Module 10: Advanced Hacking Techniques and Countermeasures

    • Advanced exploitation techniques and zero-day vulnerabilities
    • Exploit development and buffer overflow attacks
    • Advanced evasion techniques
    • Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS)
    • Incident response and handling

    Module 11: Capstone Project and Practical Applications

    • Real-world ethical hacking scenario simulation
    • Capstone project focusing on a comprehensive security assessment
    • Presentation and documentation of the project